Phnom Penh, Cambodia

The country was ruled by Khmer Rouge under the orders of Pol Pot Khmer Rouge was a extreme socialist party that wanted to terminate all the higher and intellectual classes and populate across the whole country field and work lifestyle. In 1975 April the Khmer army evacuated all the cities and moved people into the country side villages. 
For no clear reasons they chosen people to admit crimes against the state that they have not committed and then send them to prison and execution camps.

Security Prison 21 (Tuol Sleng)
The high school was taken over by Pol Pot regime, which one transformed the classrooms into torture chambers between 1975-1979.
It is a very heavy and shocking experience, very similar to the concentration camps in Europe.

Photographs of tortured inmates, real tools used for torture with real dry blood left on them, it is emotionally an experience.

S-21 was designed for detention, interrogation, inhuman torture and killing after confession fron the detainees were received  and documented.
Khmer Rouge were like Nazi meticulous registering all the prisoners by taking their details and photography.
In the height of its functioning there were even 100 prisoners killed daily. The communists were eliminating all the people that were not fitting into the idea country full of peasants. The prison was just of medium that was used before the people were moved to Choeung Ek i.e. killing filed for extermination.

Even in the former cells built in (as shown above), we can spot some old big blood stains left on the tides.

Killing fields of Choeung Ek
The story of the mass murder is very brutal. The killing field we saw is one of hundreds in Cambodia and this one is one of the biggest. 
The people were brought here for an execution, most of the times killed by an unsophisticated tool often a pheasant tool as the bullets were too precious.

There are dozens of group graves around the field. Cambodian genocide.

The memorial Stupa holds about 8000 skulls and thousands of other bones and clothes of killed people.

The shocking story of killed babies and woman was very real and made us think how could that happen so recently only in 1979...
So many people that survived that times are in their 60-ties now. The genocide killers are still being prosecuted or awaiting for the trial, like if not enough proof was there to sentence them straight?

Coach Phnom Penh - Siem Reap 320km, 12hrs