Bangkok, Thailand

Bangkok arrival
Yet another long journey in the bus, we left at 2am on Friday night to do only 400km and it took us 12 hrs to arrive. However we had a very pleasant landing in town as we were invited to stay at Patrick's place who is an ex-colleague of Francois from Bureau Veritas in Paris.

We really felt like at home, Patrick and his Thai girlfriend Oil made us feel very comfortable with own bedroom and bathroom, it was so nice that we didn't want to leave ... They were worried we will stay for good, haha! 


Our base was in Sukhumvit, residential and commercial area with plenty of skyline high scarpers with sun terraces and swimming pools. One can say Bangkok is both old fashion with its temples and very modern and fashionable with traffic (omg), rush, chaos, neon and concrete!

Party time

Patrick has been living in Asia for many years and in Bangkok for 9 so he is almost a local guy. Surely he knows good spots to hang out in town. On Saturday night we went out to a Japanese BBQ (all you can eat and delicious) with french - italian expats followed by a sophisticated Thai night club - The Funky Villa. 

Imagine to see the Porsche, Mercedes and Lamburgini at the car park. The club was huge and quite expensive for local market but still nothing in comparison to London prices 1900BHT (about 35GBP) for vodka bottle with soft drinks. 

The party was pretty much with only Thai people and sophisticated. Thai girls apparently not interested in white man....let's see ;)

Another night Partick took us out to a place called Levels on Sukhumvit 11, where is the party zone. It was Wednesday night and it was a club birthday so they organised an open bar untill 23:00! That was great to have a few rounds of free vodka red-bulls otherwise costing about 300BHT being 6GBP- more like London price as this was very posh and sophisticated night club.
The main attraction were fabulous bodies of shirtless man promoting fitness club- that was a treat for Weronika!
And a treat for Francois were - Girls in sexy outfits a la underwear dancing on podium. Somehow Francois sight glasses were quickly removed so he couldn't see much ;)))

We both had a game trying to spot lady boys hanging around. The funny thing is that we would never know if we recognised them all...what if they were too preety to spot them out? One guy taking "her" home may have a nasty surprise ;)

 Imagine that the following night we were back in Levels again... Bangkok is a party mecca.

After Saturday night out in the club it took us some time to wake up and leave the house.

Patrick advertised a good wakeboard cable park outside the town, we went there to practice some fab jumps and hopefully not to injure ourselves after party. 
Suprisingly we started to do the easy obstacles like the kicker, Francois mastered his 360 turn and Weronika did some good attempts on 360 too. 


We had some much fun last Sunday that we decided to go back again to the ThaiWakePark to master the mega jumps ;)

Wat = Temple

Grand Palace
We visit the Grand Palace (built in 1782) and Wat Pho just behind it. The Grand Palace is so well renewed and maintained. It really makes you feel nice to pay the entrance fee, if it actually helps keeping  the place as colourful and preserved as it is now.

The most sacred area where all the pilgrims go to is Ko Ratanakosin area which used to be royal.
Emerald Buddha - the small buddha on the top of a rich ornaments is actually from the stone jade. It was by mistake called emerald and the names stuck to it forever. 
We saw a rather big group of pilgrims that entered the temple and started their prayers by singing the buddhist songs. 

Wat Pho
This is one of the oldest temples dating XII century. The king that set the temples and ordered to put the writings on the walls around explaing many theories, history and many subjects to the extent that is was later recognised as first Thai University.

The biggest attraction is the reclining Buddha. It measures 46meters lengh and 15meters high in the possition of passing into final nirvana. 

After visiting we decided that we deserve a thai massage, according to our Thai friend Oil it is the best massage in town. They have a school massage and many masseur are blind. 

Wat Arun
The oldest temple named after god of dawn-Aruna. The Khmer style construction measure 82m height and the steps are so steep making it almost impossible to go down. The closer look reveals that the mosaic is maide of thousands of colourful porcalain tiles.

China Town
We had a very long walk after a thai massage in Wat Pho to see the china town and we were very dissapointed. There was not much to see, the London town is so much better.

Boat trip on canals
You wouldn't explore Bangkok if you wouldn't go for a long tail boat ride along the canals. We got on one pf them for a 2 hour experience. 

Seeing the city from the boat perspective gives a different view to passed temples.


The normal rural life along the canal, the woman passing on a boat selling little products, so many people sitting outside their huts on pals doing nothing... Are they not bored we were thinking... But we have a differnt life style back home ( uuups we don't have home now!)

We went through the orchid garden were Francois was training how to make photo with single colour, the garden with yellow, pink, purple, red orchid was a great playground! 

Muay Thai Lives show - at the Stage Asiatique
We wanted to see a muay thai fight but because there was a Buddha day on our last night none was allowed to fight. Instead we went for a show that presented the history and development of muay thai. It was an interesting show with exciting fights showing the master piece movements of the fighters. Thay all had very fit bodies with no gram of fat left.

Imagine that all that you can buy in Thailand is will find any brand you want. The problem is that the quality and the finish is not as expected especially if you are used to good branded products.
Weronika was trying to replace her lost watch by buying a simple Casio but there was always something wrong with the watch, like not lightened equally, buttons not reacting or loose, she even broke one strap while trying to put it on her hand... Effect - she will get one on ebay hoping its real.

When we come back to Europe we go straight for a wedding in Krakow and there wont be any time to go shopping, so Weronika had to buy a dress! Indeed after 2 days hanging around 3 shopping malls she got a couple of dresses and some other stuff... For a fraction of the real price!