Angkor, Cambodia

Tempels of Angkor - The Khmer empire
The eighth wonder of the world! The greatest concentration of the architectural riches :)
Gives Cambodia the temple capital o Asia. 
It used to be sacred, political and social empire of the Khmers.  

Angkor Wat

The largest religious building in the world. 

We scheduled a tuk tuk guy to pick us up at 4:30am to get to the temples before the sun-rise. We woke up at 4:27 and imagine the panic to quickly pack last bits and check out from the room. 
We made it for the sun rise....the view was spectacular...all the shades from red, orange, yellow and pink were covering the sky creating magic atmosphere for us to see the sacred temples.

The biggest and most impressive by its size of all the temples around, Angkor Wat really deserves a special attention. It is huge inside and it is very easy to lose Weronika when moving from one room to another one.
At 5am it is already warm and we sweat already. After discovering a bit more Angkor Wat and after a few seatings to watch the sunrise from different views, we take an early morning breakfast outside before moving on to the next temple.

The spot used to be a swimming pool

Angkor Thom & Bayon Temples
Bayon temple is much smaller than Angkor Wat but more original. It stands in the middle of a square area surrounded by large and thick walls. Bayon is the temple built with with a multitude (exactly 54) towers that are Buddha heads on all of its four sides (216). All of the enormous Buddha faces are having a light intrigue smile...very weird experience when you have so many few meter faces looking at you!

We got intrigued by a older couple sightseeing in style in their old-mobile car :)

Woman preparing food for the staff

Other visited:
- Ta Keo Temple
- Terrace of the Elephants

- Ta Prohm Temple - is the spot where Indiana Jones and Tomb Raider movies were set...Weronika was very excited to know that! ;) See the photos below where the jungle dived into the stoned buildings and temples!
- Banteay Kdei Temple

Indiana Jones and Tomb Rider jungle with temples!

Sra Srang
This is simply a huge pond that used to be a royal bathing area. Looks quite spectacular...see the pix.

Pub street & France-Germany match
At the beginning of the match, we could hear the noisy French troops versus more quiet German supporters. However, singing loudly the Marseillaise did not prevent Klose to score early in the first half time thereby shutting down French agitation at the profit of German satisfaction.

Market in Siem Reap...

Tonight France is fairly eliminated in front of the German who indeed played better.
Coach Siem Reap-Bangkok 400km, 12hrs