La Paz & Death Road, Bolivia

*Arrived at La Paz, between 3600 and 4000m high,  in the so-called altiplano. The airport is El Alto at 4000m, you straight feel the air is different, more rare!

Narrow steep streets, rarely flat. You can see the old Dodge buses in the streets with an awful Diesel smell.. eheh

- Acclimatisation to altitude
- Mountain biking - Tour to the salt desert of Uyuni
- Treks in the Cordillera Blanca (4000m, 5000m and 6000m peaks of the Andes)
- ... we dont know actually.. need to read our travel guide... as we did not plan much... leaving room for improvisation.

After a few coffees in the busy La Paz and talks with other fellow travellers, we figure out how to organise our precious time:
1. Down-hill mountain biking on the "Death Road"
2. Excursion in the salt desert of Uyuni
3. Ascension of the Huayna Potosi (a 6088m peak)

1. Mountain Bike @ Death Road

As the name indicates the death road is famous for many accidents that always finish tragic due to the steep hillsides and no guard rails. The statistic says that yearly about 200-300 people die because of falling off the cliff. It's been officially named as "world's most dangerous road".

 The road is single lane with traffic on the left (like UK) to make it easier to pass for the vehicles coming up. The cliffs are up to 600m high, so if you land in the river called Cementario de Camiones (Truck Cementary) as one can imagine there are plenty of them. No one can pick them up so they stay there forever.

The Youngas Road is popular among mountain bikers looking for thrilling experience. We took our chances for a 68km downhill ride, we started at 4800m hill and finished at 1200m in Coroico.

The ride was awesome, with some waterfalls, streams, rain, cold in Altiplano and heat from Amazonian rain forest.
The experience was finished with swim in a local hacienda with great pool and lunch!

Anecdote 1: Francois almost killed himself or the two of us, when he wanted to pass me on the left, meaning on the cliff side just when Weronika had to break and go around a big hole on the road. He almost fell! Just to mention that yearly 1 or 2 mountain biker die there...
Anecdote 2: We were competing on the downhill road, missed the turn and went too far! Annoyed had to ride back uphill... Then Weronika's chain broke, thankfully the guide arrived to fix it ;)
BTW the full suspension bikes were good quality but tires were completely worn, the saddles wet and completely used and Francois' bike direction was hard!