Isla del Sol, Bolivia

Copacabana has nothing to do with the sexy beach in Brasil with tons of beautifully shaped and sun kissed bodies... Copacabana in Bolivia is a lazy town on lake Titicaca with a couple of streets with tourist shops and restaurants. 

We arrived there I guess in low season as the town was a bit dead...the couple of nights we stayed here we were going to bed at 22 pm as there was nothing going on.

Well, we decided to have a boat trip to Isla del Sol, the island that in past was inhabited by Inkas!

We landed on the island and all we see there are donkeys, kids playing with balls on the coast and Bolivian women dressed up in their typical traditional outfits.

The life is very quiet and slow, feels like at the different we slowed down too.

It's worth to mention that the lake lies at c. 3800m a.s.l., it is beautiful, the colour is deep blue and it's size is immense. Apparently it is five times bigger than Leman lake in Switzerland! That puts down a bit of Francois' ego, hihi. 

We have a walk to the ruins on the top of the hill - Sacred Rock, as the whole island is at 3800m then the hills are reaching about 4075m a.s.l. Trust me that again has the impact on our breathings! But all those past two weeks in Bolivia made us much more resistant and no more headache ;)

 The Inkas ruins are interesting...

The Ceremonial Table, used for sacrifices  

The landscape let us discover Chinkana ruins, that are famous for its labyrinth. We however don't know for what purpose it was initially built.

My favourite is the Labyrinth, seen on one of the photos.

We had fun playing  with our new Nikon toy! ;)
the red dot on the photo is Weronika!

The second day we had another go on the hills, but this time continuing hiking on the high altitude trail giving us hard time to breath: Calvario (3,977m), Kallamina (4,007m), Huancarani (3,885m), Inca Samana (3.957m), Chaycorpata (4,006m), Santa Barbara (3,904m), and Palla Khasa (3,954m)

Being with Francois there is no option for a relaxing walk. He either tries to convince me to make this 7km through the hills by trail running or as I happily said that we don't have trainers he proposed some push-ups.

Well, that I can do, little work out in eye-dropping scenery is worth a bit of my sweat ;)

Well deserved lunch with bottle of local red wine...
 watching the weekly shopping made by locals in Copacabana

 Inka stairs

Anecdote: while in the bus going to Copacabana a guy was passing the corridor and negligently hit our disc drive...! F**k he broke it! Being furious doesn't help, the guy apologised and offered to pay for the damage. On arrival to the town Francois went to a 'computer' shop and asked for fixing advice. Well impossible to assess before dismantling...So, the guy offered $30 as a compensation... Nice of him but it wont pay the damage. 
Our Sony Vaio is only 10 days old and already broken. We should have listen the advice from Guillaume and buy a basic laptop as it surely will be broken at the end of the trip.

Coach Copacabana - Arequipa 436km, 7hrs