Mui Ne, Vietnam

The only reason why we headed to Mui Ne bay is for kitesurfing / windsurfing. So we did. We arrived at 1:30 am to Mui Ne and were very glad we could go to bed, so nice to sleep in bed!

No sufficient wind to learn kitesurf resulted in an entire focus on windsurfing. At 15$ / hour full gear rental, it is clearly an affordable option. 


Only drawback is the unstable weather (that is the wind) blowing every 30s/1min side-shore then off-shore, and eventually back side-shore. Our kite surf instructor Lucy from Cairns insisted on the rule: never go kiting when wind is offshore! Well we went windsurfing ;)

The Jibe's watersport club is friendly and Eddie the Manager is very honest about the weather and does not send us at sea just to generate income. We did four days of windsurfing with about 2 full hours on the water. A few times Weronika had to be rescued by the beach boys as she was drifted with the strong wind and waves and could not tack back to the club, not very Pro yet but working on it ;)

So the first day we sat the whole day in the next door restaurant watching the pissing down rain and stormy sea while eating and drinking very well for bargain price. The cost was so little that we tolerated the rubbish service ;)

Straight after the storm we had a bikini jog on the beach mixed with swim in the sea. Francois will remember the swim especially as he cut his skin on the tummy by swimming too close to the boyes and tearing his skin, buuu!
The jog was followed by long yoga / streching session! Keeping fit ;)
Weeven got rented the Stand Up Paddle as a wokring out session one day, and got confirmed that its not for us. We find it boring!

We met a Ukrainian-Chinease couple living in Canada (Alex) and in China (Lyn) and sat together at the same table during the four days. Alex and Lyn were a pleasant couple to spend time and joke about our skills.

 fancy restaurant, not Lamb Tong :)

We had lots of fun with the staff in the Lamb Tong restaurant. The food was really good and cheap but the service was so offensive and their body language so brutal that could just laugh at it. Anyway we kept coming back every day :)

With a 4.5 sq.m sail for Weronika and a 5.5 sq.m one for Francois, we had enough room to play and enjoy. Ths brutail true is that we could not get onto a decent size of a board. Shame to say but we used 275l board! In NZ we used 180-205l but in these club there were no such option. Any smaller was 161l and that was way to small for our level in those wavy conditions. 
We had 2 sessions on boards: 161l for Francois and 151l for Weronika and although we could sail fair bit the tack and jibe's were in pathetic style ;)
Anecdote: we checked out 4 times in a row (every morning) thereby each time postponing our bus to Saigon. We wanted to practice so much that we did not want to leave the place, especially as we got to know that there were not many windy spots in South-East Asia at the time of our trip, that is in June :-(

Anecdote: The heat and humidity makes Weronika weak and feeling sick... Every morning before breakfast, it is the same cycle: feeling weak, heavy, headache and not well... No Weronika is not pregnant, we even bought the test.. ;-)

Coach Mui Ne - Ho Chi Min City 200km in 6 hrs