Hoi An, Vietnam

Graceful and historic town with Unesco heritage for its Old Town.
We had a go into a night life and crossed a river on a private cute boat to an island. The party was just waiting for us. Straight on the way out we got nicely invited by a bunch of Irish gurls to join them at the table. And before we knew we were in the middle of the drinking game ;)

Use cards and apply according to the number pulled out by each participant in order:
2 fuck you - you drink
3 fuck me - I drink
4 touch the floor
6 group category of something
7 reach heaven
10 waterfall drinking
Queen - ask people Qn & if they answer they drink

Tailor made suit shopping
We heard that Hoi An is a tailor suit mecca, that means shopping timeeee! 
Francois wanted to get some suits, so we have a go in a few shops. We soon go to Kimmy which is more expensive than other but has opinion of best quality, so we target to get his stuff there, if you wear a suit it has to look perfect! 

And imagine that Francois goes crazy with his order ;)

The outcome: 4 days spent to choose, match the suit fabric with lining and try again and again; the damage is as follows:
- 7 suits ordered of which 2 linen suits and 5 formal work suits,
- each suit ordered with 2 set of trousers and a waistcoats,
- 1 casual jacket,
- 6 linen shirts, half with short sleeve

Anecdote: Weronika did not buy anything, so unexpected but true! She is loyal to her fashion designer mum Lidia that runs company Elida!

Anecdote: Weronika gave a hard time to the staff working at Kimmie, the tailor-made suit store. She checked symetry, measured distances of all clothes made; indeed there was lots of adjustments to do due to unequal cuts. Independtly from this, the quality of the fabrics as well as the finished product is amazing, especially given the price paid. Big thank you for Weronika for her patience as we went through 2 up to 3 trials a day, each of them was lasting between 2 and 3 hours... Exhausting...

Between the trials we had lazy walks and tons of vietnameese food and coffees ;) we better go for a jog to loose those calories but the f***g heat is impossible to fight!
Anecdote: Francois was close to refuse eating a banana split desert ordered that was served without whipped cream! And he wanted to throw it away on the street, what a drama queen!  


Nothing particular for the beach side of Hoi An, as restaurants were overpriced and not really pleasant, that could be managed but the food that we got served was crap!
The good side of it is that we rented bicycles though and had fun riding in the country side with rice fields to access it.

Anecdote: Francois fighting with a grilled crab ordered that he nearly throwed away as it was so difficult to extract meat from it. So unsophisticated man... Just give his 300gr of steak and he will manage ;)

Coach Hoi An - Nha Trang 555km, 14hrs