Waitomo Caves, New Zealand

Waitomo caves
We book a tourist attraction of black water rafting through the caves. Although you may think its touristic it was an amazing fun day! We got our wetsuits as the water in the caves was only 8'C! The idea was to put you bum to a donut - big bum big donut ;) and swim through pitch black caves with a few waterfalls watching glow worms above us that looked like stars on the sky!

 in the bus on the way to the caves
trying out the positioning in line

 testing the drop before the caves

drop into the water from 2m height in the bum donut

 water was about 8°C so a warm-up dance..." peel / mash... bananas..."



Boat show in Auckland

Everone knows that Francois big obsession is the boating! So I had to agrre and we went to look at the boats we can't afford to buy ;)
Some of them were spectacular, we target the wakeboard boats and had our favourite MasterCraft with silver, black and red finish.... What a master piece!
We took a part i. A competition to win another boat but sadly luck was not on our side ;(

The last afternoon in NZ we spent at the airport as we had to return the campervan at 3pm. 
And again we took our sleeping bags and slept at the airport waiting for our 7am flight to Australia.

Flight Auckland - Gold Coast 3:40hrs