Auckland-Takapuna, New Zealand

We arrive to New Zealand! The country of volcanos and breathtaking nature...

 Auckland Sky Tower is symbolic for the city.

We target Takapuna resort at Auckland North shore where we found surfing club to boost our skills ;)


North shore of Auckland is a posh area which we soon experience when seeing yummy mumies on their daily jog with little dogs on a school day followed by a coffee in local fancy caffes.

We installed our mansion house (measurement 2 by 1.40 meters) on a camping ground and felt like home. (as seen on the pix)

We went out for some food and met a South-African couple and learned some horrible stories about their country that we didn't realised. Now we are both convinced that we are not gonna go there on holidays...until the SA sorts out their rasizm problems.

We follow our plan to learn new skills while we keep on travelling...and therefore we are taking a few wind-surf lessons on the Takapuna lake. 
We are doing a couple of hours a day, mixing the lesson with instructor and a practice on our own. I must addmit that we are doing pretty well! So either it is an easy to pick up sport or we are just awsome...I bet the latter ;)

After the windsurf lesson we hadwell deserved chillout in the hanging chair...

After "only" 7 hours in total on the Takapuna lake (and 3hrs in Argentina) we can easily:
- tack (turn) front and back of the board, 
- jibe - turn sail,
- go down wind,
- harness ourselves....well, that will require a bit more mastering ;)
Next to learn will be water start, but we couldn't practice that as the strongest wind we had was 12 knotts per hour and it requires more like 15 knotts.


We wanted a kite-boarding kick off however sadly had to abandon the idea due to Weronika' sholder pain ;(

After the intense 4 day kayaking course in Ecuador the muscle-ache in the schoulder was not the quick forgoing pain but a small contusion. We went to the pchysio in Auckland to check why it still hurts 10 days after the course had finished? It turned out that the bursa got inflamated and caused lower schoulder muscle inflamation. Verdict: stop any sport activities for a few days/weeks... And forget about kite-surfing until completely rested!
And that is why we rented our campervan ;)