Puerto Madryn, Argentina

We are very excited about diving in the Atlantic sea! Its rather cold - water temperature about 16 degrees. We got wet suit of 14mm (full 7mm + 7mm for the chest)

 - Playing with Sea Lions (lobos marinos). We played with them, they are mega cute, bite and swim around to play;
 - Diving by the ship wreck (fish boat). Boat was sank for divers to explore, very old.

We also went to see elephant seals that weight upto 4 tonnes - the machos, dive upto 1500m and keep breath for 2 hours! Their heart reverts in the chest to avoid the atmospheric underwater compression.

The second highlight in Puerto Madryn is to learn windsurfing! None of us tried that before, the highest time then!

In total we took 3 hours (classes), the second day with big waves and strong wind. 
Big time, we will keep practicing on the way and then by the time we move to CH we will be PRO!

Flight Puerto Madryn - Ushuaia 2hrs, xxxkm