Iguazú falls, Argentina

Iguazú falls ("i" for water & "guazú" for big in Guaraní language)

After 18hrs in a relatively luxury bus from Baires to Iguazu we arrived! The journey was filled with movies and loads of (crappy) food, they even served whisky! The price of 750 pesos (c. £38) was much more reasonable than the plane... So we decided to experience coach: coche-cama! 160 degrees bed... Not bad at all :)

After setting up in hostel we had a dip in the pool... amazing refreshment after long night...

Later we went to Iguazu falls that are just breathtaking! The quantity of water is just insane...the sites are nicely connected between each other by bridges.

Since 2012 Iguazú falls is confirmed as one of the New 7 Wonders of Nature.

About 30 rivers join Río Iguazú and merged create massive river with wooded islets, in its widest reaching 4km.
Viewed from below the tumbling water looks astonishing in its setting with various plants, together with many birds, like parrots and butterflies.
The water hovers up to 30m high upon hitting the rock from c.70-80m falls.

Close to Iguazu there is a border of "tres fronteras":Argentina, Paraguay & Brasil divided by the river.

Coach Iguazu - Buenos Aires 20hr 30min, 1360km
Coach Buenos Aires - Puerto Madryn 21hr (coach engine belt broke down), 1330km